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Kamus Bahasa Daerah 6.8
indonesia memiliki berbagai macam suku budayadan bahasa dinataranya adalah bahasa jawa, sunda, minang, banjarserta lainya. untuk itulah kami memberikan solusimudah untukdigunakan siapapun dan untuk siapapun dengan Kamus Bahasa Daerahanda akan dengan mudah menemukan bahasa bahasa daerah danmenerjemahkan nya kedalam bahasa indonesia. sangat mudah danbergunaka kan? sekarang anda tidak perlu khawatir bepergian dantouring. semoga bermanfaatIndonesia has a widevariety of ethnic cultures and languages ​​dinataranya areJavanese, Sundanese, Minang, banjo and others. that is what weprovide solusimudah to use anyone and to anyone with the RegionalLanguage Dictionary you will easily find the language of the locallanguage and translate it into Indonesian. very easy and bergunakaright? Now you do not have to worry about traveling and touring.may be useful
CPR Emergency 3.1
features Cpr Emergency:configuration:- The default configuration applies to adults: 100 pulses perminute, rescue breaths every 30 pulses- The frequency of chest compression rate and restart the countercan be configured to allow CPR for adults / children- Phone number ambulance - 112 by default, but can easily beconverted into other examples of state aid numbers 911- Calling an ambulance button - after confirmation initiate acall to the ambulance (on speaker phone)- One click to help assistant- Beep indicates when chest compressions should be done- Toll heart shows frequency chest compression is recommended- Shows the elapsed time runs from the beginning of CPR- Chest Compression counter restarts suggest rescue breathsCardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly known as CPR, is anemergency procedure performed in an effort to manually preserveintact brain function until further measures are taken to restorespontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is incardiac arrest. It is indicated in those who are unresponsive withno breathing or abnormal breathing, for example, agonalrespirations.According to the International Liaison Committee onResuscitation guidelines, CPR involves chest compressions at least5 cm (2 in) deep and at a rate of at least 100 per minute in aneffort to create artificial circulation by manually pumping bloodthrough the heart and thus the body. The rescuer may also providebreaths by either exhaling into the subject's mouth or nose orusing a device that pushes air into the subject's lungs. Thisprocess of externally providing ventilation is termed artificialrespiration. Current recommendations place emphasis on high-qualitychest compressions over artificial respiration; a simplified CPRmethod involving chest compressions only is recommended foruntrained rescuers.CPR alone is unlikely to restart the heart. Its main purpose isto restore partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart.The objective is to delay tissue death and to extend the briefwindow of opportunity for a successful resuscitation withoutpermanent brain damage. Administration of an electric shock to thesubject's heart, termed defibrillation, is usually needed in orderto restore a viable or "perfusing" heart rhythm. Defibrillation iseffective only for certain heart rhythms, namely ventricularfibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, rather thanasystole or pulseless electrical activity. CPR may succeed ininducing a heart rhythm that may be shockable. In general, CPR iscontinued until the patient has a return of spontaneous circulation(ROSC) or is declared dead.
Kamus Bali 6.8
kamus bahasa bali ini sangat cocok untuk andayang merantau. atau pendatang di bali. di dalam nya tersedia banyakkosa kata dan istilah istilah sebutan dalam bahasa bali. anda akandengan mudah menemukan artinya hanya dengan memasukan kata yangakan anda cari pada kotak pencarian.selain sebagai penerjemah kosakata bahasa bali ke indonesia.atau sebaliknya indonesia ke bahasa balibali dictionary isperfect for those who wander. or newcomers in Bali. it is availablein a lot of vocabulary and terms in the language bali termdesignations. you will easily find meaning just by entering theword you will find in the search box.besides interpreters vocabulary Bali to Indonesia. or converselyIndonesian language to bali
Kamus Jawa 7.9
kamus bahasa jawa ini sangat cocok untuk andayang merantau. atau pendatang di jawa. di dalam nya tersedia banyakkosa kata dan istilah istilah sebutan dalam bahasa jawa. anda akandengan mudah menemukan artinya hanya dengan memasukan kata yangakan anda cari pada kotak pencarian.selain sebagai penerjemah kosakata bahasa jawa ke indonesia.atau sebaliknya indonesia ke bahasa jawaJava languagedictionaries is very suitable for those who wander. or migrants inJava. it is available in a lot of vocabulary and terms termsdesignations in the Java language. you will easily find meaningjust by entering the word you will find in the search box.besides interpreters Indonesian to Javanese language vocabulary.or conversely Indonesia to the Java language
Heart Rate To Burn Fat 7.7
The count and calculate your heart rate with amaximum fat burning cardio safely and effectively. so you know theideal value for your health.You should perform your cardio at anywhere from 75-85% of yourMax heart rate. This is achieved by subtracting your age from 220and then multiplying by .75-.85. This is your target heart rate foryour cardio.Weight loss is a matter of simple arithmetic: To shed pounds,you must burn more calories than you consume. And when it comes toburning calories, the greater the exertion, the greater the rate atwhich calories are burned.Working out at about 60% to 75% of your maximum heart rate (theso-called "fat-burning zone") burns fewer calories than working outat 75% to 85% of your maximum heart rate (the so-called "aerobic"or "cardio" zone).But caloric burn depends on a workout's duration as well as itsintensity -- and it's easier to work out longer when exercising ata lower intensity.
Smartphone Device Info 2.6
with this you can know the specification ofsoftware and hardware you have in your smartphone. This verymembantuanda to know your device system. and can control or monitorthe quality of the health of your battery.mengetahuai-quality network connectivity and other
Kamus Lengkap Indo Inggris 8.7
Kamus Lengkap Indo Inggris ini di lengkapicara baca suara pengucapan kalimat yang sangat cocok untuk andapara pelajar baik sekolah dasar atau tingkat lanjut universitas.dan yang merantau. atau pendatang di Inggris .di dalam nya tersediabanyak kosa kata dan istilah istilah sebutan dalam bahasa inggris.anda akan dengan mudah menemukan artinya hanya dengan memasukankata yang akan anda cari pada kotak pencarian.selain sebagai penerjemah kosa kata bahasa inggris ke indonesia.atau sebaliknya indonesia ke bahasa inggris.selain fungsinya sebagai kamus bahasa indonesia inggris dapatjuga digunakan sebagai kamus inggris indonesia. dengan begini akancukup membantu turis atau wisatawan asing jugaComplete Indo Englishdictionary is equipped way pronunciation sound read a sentence thatis suitable for your students either elementary or advanceduniversity. and migrating. or immigrants in the United Kingdom inits available .In many vocabulary and term term term in the Englishlanguage. you will easily find meaning just by entering the wordyou will find in the search box.other than as a translator of English vocabulary to Indonesia.or conversely Indonesian to addition to its function as a dictionary Indonesian Englishcan also be used as an English dictionary Indonesia. this way willbe enough to help tourists or foreign tourists also
Maximum Heart Rate 3.8
This will help you deliver maximum valueheartbeat or heart rate. at your age. very good to monitor yourhealth or for nurses and doctors. as we all know that a weakheartbeat is health symptoms bradycardia. and heart rate exceeds100 beats too fast per minute is called tachycardia healthsymptoms. Excessive exercise can be harmful to the body. thereforecontrols the maximum rate of your heart. for the safety andhealth
Detak Jantung Per Menit 2.5
kenali gejala penyakit jantung sejakdini.kelainan jantung bisa ditandai oleh denyut jantung yangtidakberaturan. terlalu cepat dan terlalu rendah. denyut jantungdewasanormal berkkisar antara 60-100 denyut perdetik. untuk atlitbisadibawahnya.TACHYCARDIA adalah aritmia cepat (denyut jantung lebih cepatdari100)BRADYCARDIA adalah aritmia lambat (denyut jantung lebih lambatdari60)lalu berapa detak jantung anda. mari kita periksakan denganaplikasiinicaranya cukup mudah anda hanya perlu menandai denyut jantungandasebanyak 8 kali. maka hasil perhitungan denyut anda akanmuculini sangat simple dan praktis. karena anda tidak perlumenggunakanstopwatch. dan bisa dibawa kemana mana. dapatdipergunakan kapanpun dan dimana pun selama anda membawa ponselandarecognize the symptomsofheart disease early on. heart defects can be characterized byanirregular heartbeat. too fast and too low. berkkisar normaladultheart rate between 60-100 beats per second. for athletes couldbeunderneath.Tachycardia is a fast arrhythmia (heart rate faster than 100)Bradycardia is a slow arrhythmia (heart rate slower than 60)then what your heart rate. Let's check with this appis easy enough you just need to mark your heart rate as much as8times. then your rate calculation results will appearThis is very simple and practical. because you do not need to useastopwatch. and could carry around. can be used anytime andanywhereas long as you carry your phone
Nama Anak Islam Dan Artinya 2.1
Sudah menjadi suatu hal yang lazim orangtuaakan mencarikan nama yang baik untuk calon anak mereka.Bagikeluarga muslim hendaknya mencarikan nama yang beridentitasmuslim.Tapi banyak para orang tua muslim yang sulit untuk mencarinamayang mencerminkan seorang muslim.Pada dasarnya, memberikan nama yang baik kepadaanak-anakbukanlah wajib hukumnya. Namun, jika ditinjau dari segikesan danakibat yang timbul daripadanya, maka hukumnya akan beralihmenjadiwajib secara sendirinya. Oleh karena itu, berhati-hatilahdalammemilih dan memberikan nama kepada anak-anak. Carilah namayangdianjurkan oleh Islam atau sekurang-kurangnya carilah namayangmembawa maksud yang baik dan sedap di dengar oleh telingakarena"Nama pada dasarnya doa orang tu a kepada anak-anaknya".Menurut sebuah hadith dari Rasulullah SAW bahwa nama yangbaikyang diberikan kepada anak-anak dari kaum muslimin ialah namaparanabi. Manakala yang lebih afdhal (utama) dan disukai oleh AllahSWTialah Abdullah dan Abdur Rahman. Sedangkan nama yangpalingtepatnya ialah Harith dan Hammam. Nama yang paling buruk pulaialahHarb (perang) dan Murrah (pahit).Has become a commonthingparents will find a good name for the candidate of theirchildren.For Muslim families should find the name of the Muslimidentity.But many Muslim parents is difficult to find a name thatreflects aMuslim.Basically, give a good name to children is notobligatory.However, if the terms of the impression and theconsequencesarising therefrom, the law will become mandatory switchby itself.Therefore, be careful in choosing and giving names tochildren.Find the name recommended by Islam, or at least look for anamethat brings good intentions and savory heard by the ear as"Namesbasically a prayer of the tu to their children".According to a hadith of the Prophet that the good name thatwasgiven to the children of the Muslims is the name of theprophet.When more afdhal (main) and liked by Allah are Abdullah andAbdurRahman. While most precise name is Harith and Hammam. Theworstname also is Harb (war) and Murrah (bitter).
Kontak Cadangan 7.4
maaf gambar diatas kami sensor untukmelindungiprivasi identitas.namun jangan khawatir Kontak Cadangan pada perangkat andaakanterlihat jelas dan lengkap tanpa masalah.anda akan dengan mudah membuat cadangan kontak telponandasekaligus. tidak seperti lainya. dengan aplikasi ini andadapatmembuat backup contac atau cadangan kontak telpon andadengansangat mudah dan bisa di lihat langsung daftar nama dannomorkontaknya.aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur posisi gps yangbisadigunakan untuk menandai lokasi anda saat melakukanpencadangankontak telpon anda.menarik bukan, sekarang tidak perlu takut lagi hilang nyakontak,atau bisa menjadi alternatif pembukuan kontak. cukup kirimke emailanda dan tinggal anda cetak. dengan begitu anda tidakperlu menulissatu persatu. semoga bermanfaatsorry picture abovewesensors to protect the privacy of identity.but do not worry Contacts Backup on your device will look clearandcomplete without any will easily make a backup of your phone contacts at once.unlikethe others. with this application you can make backup contacorbackup your phone contacts very easily and can see immediatelythelist of names and numbers contacts.This app also features GPS position that can be used to markyourlocation when performing a backup of your phone contacts.interesting is not it, now no longer need to fear hislostcontact, or it could be an alternative contact bookkeeping.simplysend an email to you and you live print. so you do not havetowrite one by one. may be useful
Magical Palm Reader Scanner 8.1
Magical Palm Reader Scanner is simulated apptopredict and forecast the life line through the lines of yourhand.and Palm Reader can be used easily to predict● Life● Health● Love● Intelligence● Sex● Fortune● Money● Marriage and children● Travel● Fame● Fateyou just simply do 5 easy steps1. run the program2. point the camera in the palm of your hand3. allow applications to read and analyze the palm ofyourhand4. wait a while5. and forecast results of your hand will appearPLEASE CONSIDER THIS APPLICATION FOR ENTERTAINMENTPURPOSESONLY"
AIO Fraction Converter 5.2
in one package this application you canprocessand calculate various types of formulas easily and quickly.waitwhat else do not waste your time with useless waste.Thisapplication named AIO Fraction Converter because alltheconvenience functions that can perform calculations thatinclude:fraction calculatorfraction to decimal converterdecimal to fractionfraction to percentpercent to fractionmay be useful, and a good day
Kamus Jerman 5.2.6
kamus bahasa Jerman ini sangat cocok untukandayang merantau. atau pendatang di Jerman. di dalam nyatersediabanyak kosa kata dan istilah istilah sebutan dalam bahasaJerman.anda akan dengan mudah menemukan artinya hanya denganmemasukankata yang akan anda cari pada kotak pencarian.selain sebagai penerjemah kosakata bahasa Jerman keindonesia.atau sebaliknya indonesia ke bahasa JermanGerman dictionaryisperfect for those who wander. or immigrants in Germany. itisavailable in a lot of vocabulary and terms terms designationsinGerman. you will easily find meaning just by entering the wordyouwill find in the search box.besides interpreters German to Indonesian vocabulary.orconversely Indonesia to German
Learn Heart Sounds 8.1
You will easily be taught sound heart.andclinical symptoms to your health. You can recognize someheartdisease just from his will greatly assist doctors and nurses weeks to handleyourschool or in the field of healthHeart sounds are the noises generated by the beating heartandthe resultant flow of blood through it. Specifically, thesoundsreflect the turbulence created when the heart valves snapshut. Incardiac auscultation, an examiner may use a stethoscope tolistenfor these unique and distinct sounds that provideimportantauditory data regarding the condition of the heart.In healthy adults, there are two normal heart soundsoftendescribed as a lub and a dub (or dup), that occur in sequencewitheach heartbeat. These are the first heart sound (S1) andsecondheart sound (S2), produced by the closing of the AV valvesandsemilunar valves, respectively. In addition to these normalsounds,a variety of other sounds may be present including heartmurmurs,adventitious sounds, and gallop rhythms S3 and S4.Heart murmurs are generated by turbulent flow of blood, whichmayoccur inside or outside the heart. Murmurs may bephysiological(benign) or pathological (abnormal). Abnormal murmurscan be causedby stenosis restricting the opening of a heart valve,resulting inturbulence as blood flows through it. Abnormal murmursmay alsooccur with valvular insufficiency (regurgitation), whichallowsbackflow of blood when the incompetent valve closes withonlypartial effectiveness. Different murmurs are audible indifferentparts of the cardiac cycle, depending on the cause will easily be taught sound heart. and clinicalsymptomsto your health. You can recognize some heart disease justfrom will greatly assist doctors and nurses weeks to handleyourschool or in the field of health
Touch Doorbell 3.3
Touch Doorbell is a simulation app mimicsthesound of the bell. to bully your friends. ignorant on yourfriendswhile at his home by pressing the bell. then you willbefrantically looking for a friend who pressed the bell. or canbeused for the quiz. simply use your mobile phone you canberbainquiz with bell sound
Hitung Denyut Jantung 2.2
Denyut jantung mengacu pada kecepatandetakjantung, khususnya jumlah detak jantung per satuan waktu.Denyutjantung biasanya dinyatakan sebagai denyut per menit (bpm).Denyutjantung dapat bervariasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan fisiologistubuh,termasuk kebutuhan untuk menyerap oksigen dan mengeluarkankarbondioksida. Kegiatan yang dapat memicu perubahan termasuklatihanfisik, tidur, sakit, menelan obat. Denyut jantung normalberkisar60 100 bpm. Bradikardia mengacu pada denyut jantung yanglambat,yang didefinisikan sebagai berikut 60 bpm. Takikardiamengacu padadenyut jantung yang cepat, yang didefinisikan sepertidi atas 100bpm. Ketika detak jantung tidak teratur dalam pola yangteratur,ini disebut sebagai aritmia. Kelainan ini denyutjantungkadang-kadang, tetapi tidak selalu, menunjukkan penyakitdengan ini and akan dengan mudah mengontrol kesehatan andayangdi lengkapi catatan sebagai rekam medis kesehatan jantungandaHeart rate refers tothespeed of the heartbeat, in particular the number of heartbeatsperunit time. Heart rate is usually expressed as beats perminute(bpm). Heart rate can vary according to the physiologicalneeds ofthe body, including the need to absorb oxygen and emitcarbondioxide. Activities that can trigger changes includingphysicalexercise, sleep, pain, swallowing the drug. Normal heartrateranges from 60 100 bpm. Bradycardia refers to a slow heartrate,which is defined as below 60 bpm. Tachycardia refers to arapidheart rate, which is defined as above 100 bpm. When anirregularheartbeat in a regular pattern, this is known asarrhythmia. Theseabnormalities in heart rate sometimes, but notalways, indicatediseasewith this and will easily control your health insubmittingrecords as medical records your heart health
Cardiopulmonary Murmur 6.9
you will be taught to recognize the rhythmofthe heart and lungs. to understand the symptoms of clinicaldiseasesymptoms. and interference in the internal organs. This isusefulfor analysis and for health professionals. good medicalpersonnel.students or nurses to support your work. suggested usingheadsheat,to make it more obvious because the voice sounded verysmoothcardiopulmonary murmurA murmur, synchronous with the heart's beat but disappearingwhenthe breath is held, due to movement of the air in a segment oflungcompressed by the contracting heart.a sound heard over the heart during breathing and duringtheheartbeat caused by vibrations that result when the heartstrikesthe lung tissue with every beat. Also calledcardiorespiratorymurmur.
Emergency Siren 7.1
This will help you in a varietyofcircumstances. just as you are in danger while you are not abletoshout just turn Emergency Siren. then you will be the centerofattention of people who will help you. or you are in the blockorin the follow people and you fear, then simply turn theEmergencySiren will make him scared and ran. and user experiencewhen shewas scared beyond where there is suspected criminals heused theEmergency SOS Alarm Siren is to create an atmosphere likeno policepatrols that make criminals afraid and did not dare toapproach.and it can change your device into a flashlight. just incasewhen you need the lighting